“We want to support local youth by connecting our recourses with passionate organizations and initiatives that align with our values.”
Tyler Delridge
Founder, Youth Reach Inc.
Our non-profit is managed by a group of young adults at Montana State University mentored by local figures as advisors to the board.
Tyler Delridge
Executive Director
Ethan Williams
Head of Marketing
Anthony Gilden
Board Member
Ashley Anderson
Board Member
We offer direct financial support, as well as tangible physical support through our volunteer network. You can find a summary of our activities in the community at the end of every quarter in our quarterly newsletter.
As a registered 501(c)(3) organization, we use our financial recourses to support directly the local community organizations and ONLY our operating costs like our website fees. None of our “employees” are paid, in other words, we are directly supported by volunteer work. You can learn more about how your money is managed in our “About Us” page.